Connectors Introduction

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Introduction to connectors

Connectors are the render-less counterparts of the widgets. They encapsulate all the logic needed for making search widgets. Each one of them is specialized to make a certain type of widget.

If you want to create a type of widget that is not available, you should then create a custom widget.

Anatomy of a connector

A connector is a function that will create a widget factory, a function that can create widget instances.

They follow the pattern:

(rendering) => (widgetParameters) => Widget

In practice, creating a new custom widget based on a connector would look like that:

const makeHits = instantsearch.connectors.connectHits(function renderHits({hits}) {
  hits.forEach(function(hit) {

const search = instantsearch(/* options */);

Reusability of connectors

Connectors are meant to be reusable, it is important to be able to pass options to the rendering of each single widget instance when instantiating them. That’s why all the options passed to the newly created widget factory will be forwarded to the rendering.

Let’s take an example where we want to be able to configure the DOM element that will host the widget:

const makeHits = connectHits(function renderHits({hits, widgetParams}) {
  // widgetParams contains all the option used to call the widget factory
  const container = widgetParams.container;  
  container.html( => JSON.stringify(hit)));

const search = instantsearch(/* options */);
search.addWidget(makeHits({container: $('#hits-1')}));
search.addWidget(makeHits({container: $('#hits-2')}));

When is the rendering function called?

The rendering function is called before the first search (init lifecycle step) and each time results come back from Algolia (render lifecycle step).

Depending on the method you are relying on to render your widget, you might want to use the first call to create the basic DOM structure (like when using vanilla JS or jQuery).

To be able to identify at which point of the lifecycle the rendering function is called, a second argument isFirstRendering is provided to the rendering function.

This parameter is there to be able to only do some operations once, like creating the basic structure of the new widget once. The latter calls can then be used to only update the DOM.

const makeHits = instantsearch.connectors.connectHits(function renderHits({hits}, isFirstRendering) {
  if(isFirstRendering) {
    // Do some initial rendering

  // Do the normal rendering

const search = instantsearch(/* options */);

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