Widgets Common parameters

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Common widget parameters

Most widgets share a common set of options. Here is a list of the one that you’ll encounter using the different widgets.


The container represents the place where the widget will be rendered in your HTML page. As a parameter, it can either be a CSS selector or a DOM element.

When used as a CSS selector, it is important that it identifies a single element. Otherwise, the widget factory will use the first one returned by the browser, which may be unpredictable.

This is usually one of the only attribute required to use a widget.

const search = instantsearch(/* parameters here */);
    container: '#my-searchbox',


cssClasses is a parameter that let you specify one or more classes to add to some specific element of the rendered widget. When available, this parameter is an object of either string or array of strings. The different keys available is defined in the widget reference.

const search = instantsearch(/* parameters here */);
    container: '#search-box',
    cssClasses: {
      root: 'my-searchbox',
      input: ['searchbox-input', 'input', 'form-element'],


The templates are a way to customize the rendering of a widget using string-based templates or functions.

In their string format, the templates should be written using mustache (more specifically Hogan).

Like the CSS classes, they can only be written for some specific parts of the rendered widget.

const search = instantsearch(/* parameters here */);
    container: '#hits',
    templates: {
      item: '{{#isRefined}}👉{{/isRefined}} {{value}} ({{count}})',
      // OR
      item: item =>
        `${item.isRefined ? '👉' : ''} ${item.value} (${item.count})`,


transformItems is used to return a transformed version of the data passed to the templates.

const search = instantsearch(/* parameters here */);
    container: '#categories',
    attribute: 'categories',
    transformItems: items =>
      items.map(item => ({
        label: item.label.toUpperCase(),

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